Blue Archive 2nd Anniversary: 3★ Student Guaranteed Pack

November 5, 2023


On 10/31 listed in Shop Notice Blue Archive added to the shop a 3★ Student Guaranteed Recruitment Pack which has 3★ Student Guaranteed (10x) Ticket and Pyroxene x1,200 and 175 (Bonus) for the 2nd Anniversary of Blue Archive. You will only be able to buy the ticket up to 11/28 and must use it before 12/5. Down below we will go into more detail about this.

3★ Student Guaranteed Recruitment Pack

The 3★ Student Guaranteed Recruitment Pack has a 3★ Student Guaranteed (10x) Ticket and Pyroxene x1,200 + 175 (Bonus). The cost of Pyroxene x1,200 + 175 (Bonus) is about half of the value of the pack itself. So the other half is the value of 3★ student along with 100 Eleph Amount which was updated after the 11/2 patch and 50 Eligma for rolling the 3★ student.

As I mentioned in another blog post when using the 3★ Student Guaranteed (10x) Ticket the first 9 rolls work like normal so there is a chance of getting multiple 3★ Students but the 10th roll will be 3★ Student no matter what. The image below will show what you can get in the roll along with a list of when new characters get added to the pool for the ticket.

Full list of Students for 3★ Student Guaranteed - 2nd Anniversary

Lowest Priority Students

Below is a list of characters that have the lowest value to be rolled as there are other ways to get them. This does not include future updates.

  • Total Assault: Maki, Koharu, Azusa, Midori
  • Tactical Challenge: Mashiro, Saya
  • Join Firing Drill: Tsurugi, Eimi, Sumire
  • Hard Mission: Aru, Izuna, Karin, Hina, Neru, Iroi, Izumi, Haruna, Hoshino, Hifumi, Shiroko, Hifumi (Summer), Hanae, Aris (This may be accurate for the Global version)

Odds for 3★ Student Guaranteed Pack

Below are the current Odds for Each Usage Period:

  • 10/31 to 11/14: 1/74 which is 1.35%
  • 11/14 to 11/21: 1/75 which is 1.33%
  • 11/21 to 11/28: 1/77 which is 1.29%
  • 11/28 to 12/5: 1/77 which is 1.29%


As I mentioned in a previous blog post the odds of obtaining a desired character are pretty low so it is better for newer players who do not have a lot of characters or players who may already be planning on spending some money on Pyroxene. At the end of the day, it is your choice to determine what is the best choice for you.

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