Category: Anime & Manga

Explore the captivating world of Anime & Manga, where imagination meets artistry. Dive into a diverse range of Japanese animation and graphic novels, featuring vibrant characters, compelling storylines, and unique visual styles. From classic series to the latest releases, this category celebrates the rich tapestry of animated storytelling and the intricate illustrations that bring these narratives to life. Discover your next adventure, immerse yourself in thrilling plots, and uncover the beauty of Anime & Manga.

August 6, 2023
Flaws in Character Matchups: Unraveling the Art of Versus

The Flaws in Character Matchups Often the idea of this character from this series will beat this character from this series. I fundamentally find this topic to be flawed when someone brings it up. There are so many factors to take into consideration to come up with the idea of a character beating another and […]

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July 8, 2023
Thoughts on Suicide Squad Isekai Announcement

Introduction Suicide Squad Isekai is a new anime series developed in collaboration with Warner Bros. Japan and WIT Studios, have recently caught my attention with an announcement video. As a fan of anime and the Suicide Squad franchise, I'm excited to see how these two will bring this unique concept to life. Collaboration and Studio […]

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July 7, 2023
Summer 2023 Non-Sequels Anime To Watch

The summer 2023 season just starting for new animes, the following animes are the ones I either plan on watching or might watch that are not sequels of anime that already has aired. Definitely Will Watch Helck The reason why I picked Helck to watch is that I read a few chapters and along with […]

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